Hello Beloved. I am writing to remind you of some important dates that were announced last Sunday during the benevolence offering. Please update your calendars. Thank you and God bless.
Randy Patten will be teaching Sunday School and preaching the morning service on Sunday October 22. Randy is the executive director of the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors. He is a main speaker and overseer of the NANC conference that much of our church body has been attending.
Randy will devote the Sunday School hour to taking your questions. What can you do? Please be early. To be respectful of Randy, please be ready to begin at 9:30AM. Also, please come prepared to ask questions.
OPBC's Stance Regarding Divorce and Remarriage
Divorce and remarriage is a very sensitive and controversial subject. The hurt and loss experienced in divorce and remarriage has affected our church body deeply in recent years. Much of the confusion and hurt is caused by waiting to handle emergencies only when they emerge. We need to take time to teach through the differing views and define our formal stance.
I have (Pastor Brian) spent months preparing to teach you the differing views and what the Elders have concluded regarding our stance. We have committed to teach through this subject during Sunday School on November 6, 13, 20, 27, and December 4. We will take as much time as we need to answer questions after the series concluded. I would anticipate having the second half of November 27 and all of December 4 to answer questions.
What can you do? Please pray that God's Word would be clear and OPBC would be unified. Please come with a humble learners heart. Please commit to a process (it takes awhile to teach through the material). Please be on time to Sunday School. If we are able to begin at 9:30AM, we can make significant progress each week. Please do not think there will be big suprises in store. We desire to take the time and to be thorough in teaching.
The Elders have decided to make some minor changes to the bi-laws and constitution. Before formally making the changes, I wanted to communicate the changes to the church body and take questions if needed. We will be doing this during Sunday School on December 14. Please do not think there are big suprises in store here either. This is just an effort to communicate properly and lead lovingly.
We will be using the Sunday School hour to communicate important dates, vision, and planning for 2012. What is discussed on December 18 will be documented and communicated again through e-mail.
We WILL be having 10:30AM service on Christmas. We WILL NOT be having Sunday School.
Please let me know if you have any questions about any of these announcements. Also, it would be a blessing to me if you would watch this.
Pastor Brian
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