Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Capture Idle Time

Song of Solomon 2:15 -Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards,for our vineyards are in blossom.

Yet we cannot expect to see a tone of healthy spirituality without an industrious habit. The religion of an idler is of a very questionable character. Seneca has long since taught us, that time is the only thing of which it is a virtue to be covetous. But here we should be like the miser with his money -- saving it with care and spending it with caution. It is well to have a book for every spare hour, to improve the 'parentheses' or interludes of time, which, coming between more important engagements, are wont to be lost by most men for want of a value for them (don't squander idle time - be prepared - always have a book or your Scripture handy). Facebook, the internet, idle conversations are not of themselves evil, but are certainly robbers of our most precious asset: time. And since goldsmiths and refiners sweep their shops all year long because they may contain in them some filings or dust of those richer metals, gold, and silver; I see not, why a Christian may not be as careful not to lose the fragments and lesser intervals of a thing incomparably more precious than any metal -- time.

To balance the thought: Do not study books more than you study yourself. However, do not excuse disorganization and lack of planning, the squandering of time, with a "not enough time." Diligence, planning, and striving in reading and prayer will build you as a strong soldier of Christ.

Some application:

1) Download sermons on CDs and make the most of your time in the car. I have a 50 minute round trip to the Church. This affords me the opportunity to listen to 15-25 messages per week. Download free sermons and podcasts.

2) Always have a book or Scripture written on an index card. Even if you have 7 minutes in the waiting room or someone is 4 minutes late meeting you for lunch, be aggressive in capturing your time. If you had idle time of only 5 minutes per day, instead of looking at apps or checking your email or checking your facebook, if you could read 3 pages a day in your idle time, that would amount to 3-5 books per year. 

3) Fast from technology - take one week off of facebook; cancel the internet on your phone for one month; refuse to turn on your television for two weeks. During this time pay attention to the hunger of your heart. How your heart thirsts for these things shows how they seek to control you. 

4) Fight with the grace given from God -- I am praying for you and love you all.

Song of Solomon 2:15 -Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards,for our vineyards are in blossom.

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